A downloadable light novel

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UPDATE: This light novel has a sequel!

You can check it out right here!

Gods aren’t exactly common, but there are a lot of them, it turns out. If a person sees a god, it usually means the latter is in trouble—the modern world has many mysteries the gods haven’t completely figured out. But some charitable person is inevitably around to help out these flustered deities, who then invariably grant these kind souls a wish.

And if a lot of wishes are being granted at once, well, it's easy to lose track of what you want.

Cat Wishes is my second light novel, this time about a small group of friends, divine intervention, and the ups and downs of their day to day life as they adjust to some pretty dramatic changes. As always, it's full of personal growth, self-discovery, and a lot of gender feels.

Please enjoy, and let's keep making wonderful things together.

This is a light novel of 64 pages with 10 interior black & white illustrations.

Liked the light novel?

Check out the art book for never-before-seen art, author commentary, and a peek at where the characters are after the events of the story!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(151 total ratings)
AuthorAlex Zandra
Tagscatgirl, catgirls, Gender, gender-feels, light-novel, tf, transformation, Transgender


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

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CatWishes_v2.pdf 7.1 MB
CatWishes_v2.epub 9 MB

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I got this in a bundle last year and only now read itand I'm glad I did! Such a cute, fluffy story. Love it. I guess now I gotta buy the sequel so I can haz moar.


My mind is divided between "the goddess wasn't actually in trouble and just wanted to give them a chance to help her so she'd have an excuse to help them" and "I'm autistic and the cat being stuck on the tree and unable to run away because she was paralyzed from the sounds is something I deeply identify with". I like both interpretations.

Anyway, lovely story, I had to take pauses to process my emotions a bit, but they were ultimately good emotions.

Thank you for the kind words! I also like both interpretations, which is why I'm happy to neither confirm nor deny either one. ^^


A fun romp through gender identity.  Also KITTY!  I had trouble putting it down.

damn thats a long title

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for the read! 

omg INCREDIBLE!! thank you so much! <3


I got this in a bundle and didn't expect much beyond a casual, light read, but it's just so wholesome.


the world of Cat Wishes is a wonderful place to explore, and it leaves you with a wonderful message that i think a lot of people living in the world today need to hear. even if you don't have The Genders, you should read this book.


I got My Friends And I Were Granted Three Wishes By A Cat Goddess And I Swear I Got Distracted When My Turn Came Around from the Indie bundle for Palestinian Aid. I usually don't read novels, but it's extremely long title interests me, and I've decided to read My Friends And I Were Granted Three Wishes By A Cat Goddess And I Swear I Got Distracted When My Turn Came Around.

It's.... This brought me back to the first time I saw a role play forum. Okay so it's a bunch of people... taking a role of a character, no big deal. I decided to check out one of the ongoing role play. One of the roleplay had such fantastical story settings I myself have never imagined of. It's so out of this world!

Then... I saw the character sheets. Essays of extremely intricate and deep backstories of each character. These characters were obviously written by people that I don't even know, so I wouldn't know if their character reflects their real personality, they might be as well faking it! It's the first time I thought to myself that I can be whatever I want to be. I've never thought of being someone else before then! The amazing story settings, combined with the fantastical characters, makes my imagination go wild as I began to think of such possibilities. I even thought that these might be real, because I believed that "nothing is impossible" and "anything could happen".

This book, aptly named "My Friends And I Were Granted Three Wishes By A Cat Goddess And I Swear I Got Distracted When My Turn Came Around", evoked those aforementioned moments that was forgotten until now. The difference is that now my knowledge has vastly expanded, and I'm now a more rational person. Now, I wish I could be in that world, be... a Catperson™, but my present self would think that I'm batshit crazy for believing such an imaginary thing. Idk man, let's just hope that bioengineering becomes a reality in our lifetime and we can all be Catpersons™. Lol.


Very fun read and overall lighthearted and lovely.  I always love good endings and people figuring out to love themselves and enjoy who they want to be. I would gladly read more about these characters <3


This story struck way too close to home and legitimately made me cry.  Wonderful writing.  <3


This is an adorable journey of self discovery. It was very wholesome and I could feel the vulnerability in the struggle to fully accept one's self. I look forward to reading more of your work.  The feels.  Tabbi was such a neat character and felt easy to relate to.


You can't really help others if you don't take care of your own happiness, it's unsustainable.  It's a powerful lesson I wish I learned earlier in life.  Thanks for all the feels :D <3 :3


Awwwwwwwww this was so cute and fluffy and really really relatable <333333333


Oh my god I loved this, I had to take a break to lie down and happy scream into a pillow every couple minutes, extremely cute and relatable


An utter and complete delight. I read it in a single sitting, and I feel warm and happy. 💜


v good (and all too relatable in some places, had to go lie down for a bit), thoroughly recommend it. 


I loved how you changed the pronouns of the characters to reflect their own understanding of themselves, and how other characters just instantly accepted that change.

It felt so validating, like saying, “It’s okay if you don’t understand yourself perfectly – or what you would wish for – the first time around.” We’re all personal works in progress, and it’s okay to learn and grow.

Thank you again for another great story. <3


I absolutely love stories like this and I'm so glad it was included in the bundle, otherwise I would've never found this. I love your work!


Reading this brought tears to my eyes for just about 75% of it just because I so deeply related to all the gender feels and especially struggles with feeling selfish for taking care of yourself. I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't deeply jealous since I can't be a catgirl in real life!


Cheers, I'll drink to that. Feel completely the same.


I don't think I stopped smiling for more than 5 minutes, while reading this.  Its a really lovely story! Thank you for including it in the BLM-bundle, I'll definitely check your other stories out


Reading this was hugely impactful to me, it was wonderful and I loved living in this world, at least for a short time. Terry resonated with me more than any other protagonist, and it was heartbreaking to finish, because seeing queer people be so readily accepted, without any qualification or barrier, was like suddenly being pain free when I didn't know I was in pain. Wonderful.


A friend recommended this to me. It took me a while to get around to reading it. I didn’t realize how much I needed this until I did. Thank you for making this.


Warms my heart


I have never felt more personally pandered to in my LIFE- Polyamorous cat girl gender feels light novel, it turns out, is exactly the food I've been craving my entire life and only now can finally feast upon. I LOVE it!!!!!!!!


This was constantly making me so happy and filling my heart! It's simple but wonderful stuff!!


This is such an amazing story that brought up a lot of emotions in me. It was incredibly written. I loved the story so much


I love cats


lovely and cute


took me a while to read this one but i'm so glad i did. someone else in the comments calls it cathartic and that really is just an excellent way of putting it. it's so blessed [hah!] and cute and gay in multiple ways


as someone who has been questioning their gender identity and how they feel a lot recently, i can't recommend this enough.

Deleted 4 years ago

Every time I reread this light novel, I notice more details about the lives and personalities of each character and the circumstances of their environment


This was beautiful. Me and my girlfriend (both catlike trans women) cried at various parts, just from it being a bit too real. Good crying, though.


Thoroughly enjoyed the whole read!  Terry's journey is enlightening and relate-able and I like the casualness concerning poly, transgender, non-binary, etc!  It's really nice and made me feel good to read all of.  Wish I could have something like it happen to me!

(1 edit) (+8)

been spending ten minutes trying to find some appropriate words

It was cathartic. 


I think those are good words for this.


This is so good! The way the main characters interact is such pure wholesome friendship, and their relationship feels so natural. Terry is such a relatable main character and deals with overthinking, anxiety, and self discovery so  realistically. Once I picked it up I couldn't put it down. I think I read it all in one sitting when i definitely should have been sleeping. The .epub makes it easy to put in on older kindles (which i personally find easier than reading a .pdf). the drawings are cute and make a great addition to the story. I really really enjoyed it. 3/3 👌 signs


I have now read it

It is adorable and makes me want to hug someone


this tapped into emotions i havent felt since back when i was thirteen. so far in the closet i didnt even know you could just be a girl, let alone that i could be one, and  i would read stories like this and feel this....indescribable emotion. i couldnt explain it then and i still dont know how to put it into words. and zandra tapped into that and i sobbed reading this light novel. so, so fucking good

